Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or sounding silly; just practice a little bit every day and have fun!

1.Where did you grow up? In a very small town in Panama called Caisán. It’s famous in Panama for the production of all kinds of beans.
2. What’s your most memorable story from growing up? Climbing a mango tree and chilling on a branch while eating yummy mangoes!
3. When did you know you wanted to be a teacher? Somewhere between giving lessons to my dolls and stuffed animals as a child and assisting a Sunday school teacher at church as a teenager.
4. What’s the best advice you would give to kids learning Spanish?Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or sounding silly; just practice a little bit every day and have fun!
5. What State do you live in and what do you like best about it?New Jersey. I live close to the ocean and get the best sunsets ever!
6. How many languages do you speak? I’m a Spanish native speaker, fluent in English, intermediate in Mandarin and a beginner in German. Languages have made me appreciate the diversity of cultures so much more!
7. What do you enjoy most about learning other languages? Hearing people speak in a language I can understand and being able to communicate with them.
I love laughing with the kids and seeing them have fun while learning Spanish.
Spanish Tutor Aileen
8. What was your favorite activity as a kid? Sewing dresses for my dolls.
9. What are your favorite activities now? I like to sew, do arts and crafts and DIY projects and go for walks on the beach with my husband.
10. What’s your favorite thing to do on a day off? Watch Chinese dramas! LOL.
11. What’s your favorite Spanish (or Hispanic) food? Arróz con Pollo, empanadas and flan for dessert.
12. What’s your favorite place in the Spanish-speaking world to visit? “Home” in Panama because that’s where most of my family is.
13. What’s the next skill you want to learn? I want to learn to play the piano well.
14. What’s your favorite thing about teaching Spanish to PandaTree students? I love laughing with the kids and seeing them have fun while learning Spanish.
My son, Elliott, LOVES Ms. Aileen! She has a genuine love for children and teaching which we admire! Happy 1 year anniversary!
Aileen is our favorite teacher! She is so patient with out two year old and she keeps him entertained!!
Indeed Aileen is the best teacher I know her from overseas mission with Doulos. Your kids will have fun learning with her.